Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dinner and Groceries

Kitchen 67 and Groceries R Us have partnered to offer their customers a great new convenient service.  You know that feeling at the end of the day, when you are tired and the last two things you want to do are grocery shop and cook?  Now you have an option, you can have your groceries delivered along with a meal from Kitchen 67! 

Just email or fax Groceries R Us your shopping list, telling us which store to shop.  Then dial Kitchen 67 and choose your dinner for the evening from their take-out menu of fresh foods, family recipes, & taste the spirits of Michigan.  Groceries R Us will purchase the items on your list and then stop at Kitchen 67 on the way to your home to pick up your dinner. 

What’s in your Kitchen?

Do you know what’s in your kitchen? If you are like most people you probably have items in your pantry that expired over a decade ago.  That is kind of gross!  

Groceries R Us offers a full kitchen inventory.  We will go through your entire kitchen!  After we are finished you will have expiration dates and a full list of everything in your kitchen.  Not only does this clean up and eliminate clutter in your kitchen, it helps us provide you with a great template for you to use when you make your grocery list.

Visit for more information about this service.

~Life is Short and the Line is too Long~

Can Groceries R Us save you money?

Here’s some stats on impulse shopping.

Young, unmarried adult households with higher incomes do 45% more unplanned buying.
Households led by an older person and those that have larger families do 31% to 65% less spontaneous purchasing.
There is 25% less unplanned buying among shoppers who mainly use newspaper ads for price information.
People who consider themselves very “fast and efficient” shoppers are far less likely to make impulse buys — 82% less than the average.
If the purpose of a shopping trip is “immediate needs or forgotten items,” the rate of buying in unplanned categories falls by 53%.
Unplanned purchasing goes up by 23% if the shopping trip itself is unplanned, but it goes down by 13% if it’s a major or weekly trip.
If a shopping trip includes stops at multiple stores, there is 9% less unplanned buying at the second or third store.
Unplanned purchasing goes up by 44% if the shopper goes to the store by car instead of on foot.

Groceries R Us is your solution to impulse shopping. We are guaranteed to stick to the list!


Boulevard Suites

Boulevard Suites

If your looking for extended stay housing check out Boulevard Suites and their new Relocation expert Cathy Jo Anderson.


Did you know that the average grocery shopping experience lasted about 45 minutes.  Did you also know that the 45 minutes was just the time actually in the store?  Once you include travel time, loading, and unloading your probably well over an hour.  Oh, and you probably do this once every week.

Groceries R Us can give you all this time back with a simple phone call.  Let us be your time saver.


~Life is Short and the Line is Too Long~

» 50 Tips for Grocery Shopping :zenhabits


Holiday Ham

Holiday Ham

Christmas is almost here!  Treat your family to a delicious meal with this holiday ham recipe.

~ Life is Short and the Line is Too Long~

Holiday Shopping Tips

Here are some holiday shopping tips for you!

Tailgating Recipes

It’s that time of year… It’s football time!

Are you looking to go to a game this year?  Here are a few ideas to make your pregame tailgating experience awesome and delicious.

-Mini Muffulettas-

-Graham Nut Clusters-

-Confetti Pasta Salad-

-Bacon-Cheese Dip-

-Warm Gumbo Dip-

-Cobb Salad Sandwiches-

-Beer-Cheese Spread-

-Chunky Chocolate Brownies-


These recipes are sure make you spot the preferred tailgating destination.

~~Life is Short and the Line is Too Long~~

How to Pick out Tomatos and Cucumbers


The best tomatoes are completely free of blemishes and bruises and should be a deep, bright red. A good tomato is firm enough to resist pressure, but not so hard that it doesn’t react to your touch. Finally, test the tomato for its scent. Smell the tomato up by the stem; it should have a strong, sweet, earthy odor.


It should feel heavy for its size. Squeeze the cucumber gently. It should not yield to light pressure. Examine the skin of the cucumber. It should be taut and thin, not heavy and waxy like many store-bought cucumbers are. Lastly, don’t select the largest one.  The larger ones tend to be less flavorful, so go for one of the smaller ones for better flavor.


~~Life is Short and the Line is Too Long~~